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What topics do you address in your assemblies? "Goaltending"

Tim Hartman

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question that all children are asked. Kids can answer the ‘What’ part of that question, but the important thing is knowing the ‘How’. Goaltending is an assembly program that gives children the basics of ‘How’ to achieve their goals. I perform the hilarious and touching story of Harvey Merritt, a little boy who just wants to be noticed, and the steps he takes to achieve that goal.

1. Choose your goal.

2. Find someone to help you.

3. Never give up.

The story is based on the book, written by my brother Bob, entitled " The One and Only Delgado Cheese", and uses the real life example of my brother's journey to become an author, and my own path to becoming an actor, artist and storyteller.

However, there are more immediate questions that can be answered by this assembly as well: "Would you like to get better grades in math?", or "How do I become a better student, or athlete?". The steps are the same for any goal. Designed for grades K-6. Accommodates 300. I also offer a version of this show designed specifically for Middle School and High School children. It uses different stories, but communicates the same message.

"Thank you so much for coming to Cokeburg Elementary yesterday the kids loved it! My girls couldn't stop talking about you!" Christine Davis, PTA representative

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